Our choices matter. At the core of our values is a commitment to society and the planet, over and above profit margins.
Traditional Techniques + Modern Chocolatiers
We spent our time learning our craft using the time-honoured technique of hand tempering chocolate on marble slabs. We used that traditional technique to create contemporary chocolate pieces using flavour and format to connect with who we are now. We work with artists and illustrators to create artwork for our chocolate. We proudly partner with the finest Irish producers on ingredients and flavours that are rooted in excellence, craftsmanship and traditional techniques.
Bean and Goose + Ethical Sourcing
We understand the best way to change the future is to be a part of shaping the future. A brand for the future must be built with sustainability at its core. That is why we have chosen to partner with the organic couverture producer Original Beans for our raw materials, a company that cares as much as we do about the impact that our business has on the planet.
Bean and Goose + the Future
We have a big vision and we execute it one day at a time. We put thought into everything we do, and this takes time. We are carefully building a strong community, growing, and moving forward. We are replacing the old way of doing things with a more careful, thoughtful, and considered alternative.